Until now, I never had a career that I was passionate about. I had worked in various places – from a credit union to a school office – but the stress of work without passion was starting to take its toll. I knew it was time for a change and that I needed to start taking better care of myself. I began to research options when I stumbled upon a MELT class and the light bulb lit up! I started researching what MELT was about. The more I read, the more I realized that I had found something that completely aligned with my belief in holistic health care and letting your body do the work. What I love about MELT is that it gets to the root of both physical and emotional issues, instead of just providing a band-aid solution.

Now that I’m a certified MELT instructor, I continue to get more excited and energized about the program. More and more research is coming out about the importance of targeting the fascia, which is exactly what MELT does. I see every day how truly life-changing MELT is: It gets people out of chronic pain and then keeps them active and healthy.

I’m seeing a difference in my own body. I regularly see a chiropractor for my physical maintenance. Before one particular appointment, I spent time doing MELT treatments. My chiropractor noticed a visible positive improvement in my alignment. At my next appointment with the same chiropractor, I didn’t do the MELT treatments beforehand. The chiropractor immediately commented on how tight my body was. The difference was incredible! It really drove home for me the effect that MELT can have on my body and how well the treatments work with other therapies.

Now that I’m in a career that I’m passionate about, I see life so differently. Years ago, I read about a woman returning to college in early 40s to get her MD degree. Initially the negative side of her was saying “what are you thinking??” But then she realized the next six years would pass regardless, and that she might as well spend those years pursuing her dream. After reading about her, I realized I could stay the same person or I could become who I wanted to be.

So that’s how I did it. I’m in my mid-50s, but I’ve never been more energized. So for any woman considering a career change, I say go for it!!